My main abode on the web is my website: Medium is my second home. Find me there or here on Medium. My door's always open.

Hello, lovely people of Medium. Howdy! I'm Selma– reader, writer, learner, enthusiast, encourager, believer of miracles, and oh! so ordinary. I want to engage you and have friendly conversations like good neighbors if you're ordinary too.

Of late, I've been writing a lot of poetry, with a few short articles once in a while. I wish to show you how being ordinary is extraordinary, especially in today's high-paced culture. And I hope to help you arrive at a place where you can open up to see your zone of extraordinary 'without the glitter and fanfare' social media makes us think we need to be real.

So, even if you think you don't have an extraordinary zone, I hope you stick around to read my work and come to see yourself in any one of the ordinary pieces.

I'm thrilled you looked me up. Thank you. I wish you Miracles.

Medium member since March 2018
Connect with Selma


Book Author

‘Ordinary’ INFJ. Slow-Reader. Learner/Enthusiast. Nature-lover. Lives reverently in healing frequency. Believer: Miracles & Kindness. Writes for YOU 💗 No bling